About Alkhidmat Rikshaw Scheme

Alkhidmat Foundation, a renowned non-profit organization committed to serving humanity, has launched the Rikshaw Loan Scheme under their Business Loan category. This scheme aims to empower aspiring entrepreneurs who wish to start or expand their rickshaw businesses. With its attractive features and benefits, the Alkhidmat Rikshaw Loan Scheme provides a convenient and accessible opportunity for individuals seeking financial assistance in this sector.

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Features of Rikshaw Scheme

Flexible Monthly Installments:

The Rikshaw Loan Scheme by Alkhidmat Foundation offers flexible monthly installments to facilitate borrowers. With a monthly installment of just 10,000 PKR, individuals can easily manage their repayments without burdening their finances.

Substantial Loan Amount:

Under this scheme, borrowers can avail themselves of a substantial loan amount ranging from 450,000 PKR to 500,000 PKR. This enables entrepreneurs to procure new rickshaws or expand their existing fleet, thus expanding their business operations.

No Down Payment Required:

To make the loan scheme more accessible, Alkhidmat Foundation does not require any down payment from borrowers. This eliminates the need for a significant upfront investment and enables individuals to acquire rickshaws without substantial initial capital.

No Processing Fee:

Alkhidmat Foundation believes in supporting entrepreneurs by minimizing financial barriers. As part of their commitment, they have waived the processing fee associated with the Rikshaw Loan Scheme. This further reduces the financial burden on borrowers and facilitates the loan application process.

Application Process:

To apply for the Alkhidmat Rikshaw Loan Scheme, interested individuals need to submit a written application to the Alkhidmat Foundation. The application should include relevant details such as personal information, business plan, and the desired loan amount. Along with the application, applicants should also provide necessary supporting documents, including identification proof and business registration (if applicable).

Approval Time:

Alkhidmat Foundation strives to process loan applications promptly to ensure efficient delivery of financial assistance. The approval time for the Rikshaw Loan Scheme typically ranges from 1 to 1.5 months. During this period, the foundation evaluates the application, verifies the provided information, and assesses the applicant’s creditworthiness. Once approved, borrowers can access the loan amount and proceed with their rickshaw business plans.

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